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Your Not So Boring Bunless Burger

I used to be the girl who made fun of the bunless burger. The annoying friend who would roll their eyes when someone would take out a fork and remove the best part of the meal - the gluten.

Last year when I began to eat more of a paleo-ish diet, the bunless burger became a lifeline to the outside for me. I had to change it up a bit to get the same comfort food sort of feeling, the sink your teeth into it and eat it texture, but as I loaded it up, the better it became.

I typically keep these chicken burger patties on hand in my fridge for days that only a burger will do. It's a great lunch for one, is packed with protein and flavor and always keeps me full until dinner!

So if you are like me and think you would never do a bunless burger, just try it once and see what you think. It turns out, I rarely miss the bun.



Chicken Patties (or you can make your own)

1 TBS Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise

Egg, cooked as desired (I like mine fried, over easy)

1 Cup Super Greens, chopped

Handful of chopped onions

Half an Avocado, sliced

2 Slices of Bacon, extra crispy

Sriracha Sauce

Everything But the Bagel Seasoning


Cook your chicken patties in a cast iron skillet over medium heat until slightly charred. Remove to a plate. Add chopped super greens with some salt and pepper to the hot pan until just so slightly wilted.

Meanwhile, spread mayo on top of the burger. Next, add the bacon and super greens once they are wilted. Top off with avocado, egg and avocado. Add a bit of sriracha sauce and EBB Seasoning. Grab your fork and enjoy.

Now tell me that you miss the bun.....


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