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Painting Classes : OPEN REGISTRATION

I am beyond thrilled to open up two painting classes in August for y'all! This has been on my heart for quite some time and last month I had the opportunity to walk through a class for about 80 middle school and high school girls and we had the best time together!

Because there was so much interest, I decided to give it a trial run in my home! We will be offering two types of classes at this time and then we will see where it all goes!

The first class will be held on Tuesday, August 15th from 7-9 pm in my home. The class is open to 8 women only, so if you have some girlfriends in mind grab the tickets quick before spots fill up! (Register for the class here.)

This class will be water coloring technique and lettering. I will spend the first half of the class going over six watercolor techniques and the second half of the class teaching lettering with watercolor and tricks to make your painting over the top! I will also be sharing a brief message of encouragement to use your gifts for God's glory whatever they are, wherever you are. I hope that this will encourage some intentional and uplifting conversation for everyone in attendance! Our prayer is that you will leave feeling encouraged and filled up with some much needed rest and girl time and full of yummy treats. Included in the price of the ticket is snack food, water + lemonade, a few swag goodie items from Becky's shop, a set of watercolors that Becky uses daily, a brush and several sheets of watercolor paper. A select grouping of Little Branches items will also be available for purchase during the class.

We are also excited to offer our very first Sign Painting Class on Saturday August 19 from 10-12 in my home! We will have snacks and swag for each of our ladies, intentional and uplifting conversation as we learn new skills in painting signs.

The signs will be prepared just for the class as a blank canvas for you to create with. I will have a few templates, but if you are wanting to design your own we will provide you with all the tips and tricks you'll need to get it done beautifully!

I will be sharing a brief message of encouragement to use your gifts for God's glory whatever they are, wherever you are. I hope that this will encourage some intentional and uplifting conversation for everyone in attendance! Our prayer is that you will leave feeling encouraged, filled up with some much needed rest and girl time and full of yummy treats.

Included in the price of the ticket is snack food, water + lemonade, a few swag goodie items from Becky's shop and an 8" Square framed sign painted by YOU. A select grouping of Little Branches items will also be available for purchase during the class.

Please keep in mind that this is our first go at this! We need to have at least 4-5 attendees to make a good class! We will email you with details closer to the event and we are just so pumped to see where God takes these classes!

If you are interested in booking a private party, please send an email here with your contact info, the date requested and amount of guests!


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