So Texas has us all mixed up, y'all! It should be pumpkin spice weather, right? But (until the last day or so), it's been in the 90's here! So I've had such a dilemma with regard to my beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. Enter Iced Coffee. My sister is a huge iced coffee drinker. I like to order iced coffee in the summer from SB, but have not really attempted to make my own before. After a little googling, I sort of made up my own version of an ICED pumpkin spice latte, and y'all - I promise - you will be addicted! It's so easy and tastes like I have become a professional Barista!!

​ So here are the ingredients : SB Lightly Sweetened Iced Coffee 2% milk Pumpkin Spice Creamer Organic Agave (Light) Ice I use a Ball Jar, generally, because it's super easy to measure, but I think you'll probably end up making your own adjustments to your taste prefences anyway, so I'll just give you a general idea of where to start. I fill the cup halfway full (maybe a bit more) with crushed ice. My favorite is Sonic Ice, because obviously. I pour in the iced coffee up to the 1 cup line. Milk 2 lines up (1/4 c.). Pumpkin Spice creamer 1 more line up (1/8 c.). At this point, I stir it up and give it a taste. Most of the time I add a tiny squeeze of agave - because I like my iced coffee sweet - but you really may not even need it. And that's it. Super simple and super yummy! If you find yourself in a warmer climate than you'd like for the fall, this iced coffee is PERFECT for you! All the notes of fall, but with a tad of summer added to it! Enjoy!!