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Pivot Point 09 / When you forget what God is capable of.

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

I don’t mention this often, but our family has been in the arena of public service for 12 years! My husband, Jeff is our Texas State Representative in Austin and he does a dang good job of it. But, as you can imagine, politics is a nasty and sometimes brutal game to be in. these days especially.

I was talking with a "House Spouse" last week about the brutality of the campaign process. Primary season is particularly painful and personal. It's a lot of people arguing, not over politics or policy, but over whose conservative stance is the most conservative. 

Our opposition is attacking Jeff right and left, and the balance between telling the truth about yourself and defending yourself with the truth about the opposition can be a delicate one to strike. Especially as a believer.

It's a very weird thing to be a Jesus Follower and campaign for yourself and against someone else. It's honestly something we wrestle with every campaign season, but especially our first race 13 years ago.

Do we trust that God will fight for us? Yes. On the other hand, has God given us wisdom and the Holy Spirit to also fight for ourselves? Also yes. 

How do we glorify Jesus while also standing up for truth and righteousness amid an opposition that weaponizes scripture against other believers? Sometimes it seems like we’re in-between a rock and a hard place. 

As I spoke with my friend, I was reminded of a time during our first race when we knew we would have to go on offense. We had defended ourselves repeatedly, but there was a mail piece that was particularly deceptive that Jeff would have to call out publicly as a blatant lie.

It was a runoff and heated. We were tired and ready to be done campaigning, but we had one candidate forum left before Election Day. It was our opportunity to set the record straight, but in doing so would we harm our testimony as Jesus-followers? If we defended ourselves and essentially called someone else a liar, would we still be glorifying God?

I remember laying facedown on the floor during our kids' nap times that day begging God to make a way for us. I specifically asked that Jeff wouldn't have to say one bad word about the opponent. Not one bad word.

We showed up for the debate that night anxious, but at peace. We knew God would lead the way for us… and He did. 

Jeff didn't have to call our opponent a liar because, get this, he didn’t even show up. It was a crazy answer to prayer - one that I wouldn't have dreamt to ask for.

We didn’t have to say a word, but we were prepared to. 

Sometimes God does the fighting for us and sometimes He asks us to do it. 

Sometimes He asks us to go the long way around so that He can make a way for us to experience a miracle. 

Sometimes He uses a rock and slingshot to kill the giant and sometimes He delivers us without asking us to lift a finger. 

This paradox requires us to walk closely with Him. He gives us the wisdom to fight or be still as we need it. Whatever He asks of us, or doesn't ask of us, we can absolutely expect that God can do far more abundantly beyond whatever we can even think to ask Him for. 

All we need to do is trust Him to come through, again and again, and walk in the peace of His faithful presence. Whatever you're walking through today, trust that God has you. He has worked miracles in your life before and will do so again. 

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