Can you even believe that it's already November? I looked at our calendar the other day and I feel like I can taste Thanksgiving which means Christmas is on the horizon and then comes the New Year! It's the season that goes incredibly fast and if we aren't prepared, we will wake up and it will all be over!
The Holiday Season can be difficult to navigate, can't it? With events to attend, parties to enjoy and family to entertain. And if you add kids into the mix, the difficulty can triple, leaving us stressed and in desperate need of some chill! In my heart of hearts, what I really want for December is to stay at home, bake cookies, watch hallmark movies on repeat and string popcorn by the light of a crackling fire. What I have pictured in my head is a Norman Rockwell painting, one that doesn't involve temper tantrums, broken engagements and kids who feel left out. Instead it's warm, cozy and magical while celebrating the season in 50's style.
But what I have realized over the years, especially as my kiddos get older, is not only are my expectations too high, but also I rarely take time to prepare for the upcoming season, leaving me scattered, behind and therefore stressed. the. heck. out.
Let's be honest, no one likes a stressed out mama - especially at Christmas time!
So this year is going to be different. This year, we are going to take time to prepare our homes and our hearts prior to the craziness! This year, we are going to determine to go with the flow, let go of expectations and allow the love of Jesus to penetrate everything we do.
Introducing the Holiday Heart Series.
Over the next two months, I will be sharing tips, tricks and prayers not only for surviving the holidays, but thriving during the holidays. My prayer is that we would be more present with our people and more aware of needs in our community. We will talk about feeding people, loving neighbors, opening our homes and cherishing our family. We will talk about slowing down and learning to see the beauty of last minute hiccups and of saying no for the reason of staying home.
And I cannot wait. Show up on Wednesday for the first installment of The Holiday Heart!
What stresses you out during the holidays? What fixes have you found work for you? We would love to hear and to share as this series progresses!!